For Xmas, I went to Mommy Bell's family's house. I met mommy's mom, dad, sisters, brother, brother-in-law and niece, Kelly. Everyone was very happy to see me and told me I was very cute, which I already know. Mommy made sure that they don't spoil me too much. I tried to be in my best behavior but sometimes I just can't help myself! Especially when we were opening presents! The wrapping papers were calling my name... I couldn't help it. I definitely gave Mommy Bell a hard time with those wrapping papers. hee~ hee~

Mommy Bell's mom seemed very fond of me. She boasted good things. She said I was cute (of course) and pet me. She wanted a picture with me so we did. Aren't I soooo cute! She said I could have all of the toys that Kelly doesn't play with anymore. I was very excited. I got so many toys for my talented chewing abilities. My favorite is the tiger.
I spent the night at Mommy Bell's family's house. It was okay but definitely not home. It was so dark at night that I got scared. I'm still a baby after all. In the afternoon of the day of Xmas, I went out to the hair salon, coffee shop and home depot with Mommy, Auntie Birdie and Mommy's mom. It was a little scary but I braved through with with Mommy Bell's help.

When Mommy Bell and I got back to our home, I took a nice lonnnggg nap. I was so tired from all the activities. Then after some food and playtime with Mommy Bell, Uncle Marc came to visit me for the first time. He got me all excited... too excited that I jumped and peed on him.... I'm sorry Uncle Marc! I'll be more careful next time. Uncle Marc is so much fun. We played, took pictures, cuddle.... ahh.. i miss Uncle Marc already. :)
My first Xmas so far was a very eventful day and filled with activities with family and friends. Mommy Bell thank everybody for making it possible and for welcoming me into the circle of family and friends with open arms.
Thank you for everything.. Belated Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.